Monday, October 16, 2006

Ephesians 6:10- HIS strength-

"Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power." Our theme
verse preceeds the call for each person of faith to put on the armor
of God. Many women read that verse in the Bible and have a difficult
time connecting as they don't see themselves as "soldiers", therefore
why put on the armor? Armor is associated with war or boot camp
for the armed forces. Spiritually speaking, we are in a war. The
enemy of our souls is waging war against all mankind and we are
sitting ducks if we are not prepared. As Lisa Bevere will share at the
WJOF conference, we are called to "Fight like a Girl".
That includes putting on the Full armor of God-
(not just some of it ladies, BUT ALL of it!)

As a reminder here are the 6 required "accesories" that we are

called to PUT ON:
-Shield of Faith: Our relationship with a faithful all
powerful God that protects us.
-Breastplate of Righteousness: reflecting the
righteousness character of God by our actions
-Sword of the Spirit: This is the Word of God, the Bible,

an instrument by which God’s power is shown.
-Belt of Truth: To be strengthened by God and to live truthfully
-Helmet of Salvation: Ultimate Protection
-Gospel of Peace: this means that our feet are fitted with the

readiness of the gospel of peace. Knowledge and acceptance of
the gospel helps us be prepared to do the will of God, including sharing
the Good news of Jesus Christ.

God created us to be STRONG in HIM, and in fellowship with
other believers, that strength is multiplied. We need each other,
and as Christians-we are army! Created to "Fight like a Girl"- as armor
bearers with our brothers. NOW that is an army to be reconned with!

*** tickets are at 1555!

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