"Fulfill your purpose. Decrease your stress. Expand your life...
A better life is calling, are you ready to answer?"

What an amazing quote. This is taken off of the backcover of our keynote speaker's book
"Listen to Your life." I would like to encourage you to visit Valorie Burton's
website www.valorieburton.com and perhaps even sign up for her free e-newsletter!
This woman is blessed with Godly wisdom and deep insights that help women become "
unstuck" and encourages others to live their best lives through following Jesus Christ.
I am looking forward to meeting her in person in less than 8 weeks at our TRUE PURPOSE
conference! She seems like sucha motivating woman of faith!
-Fulfill your purpose: Do you know what that is?
-Decrease your stress: Jesus did say to lay our burdens down..-
Expand your life: I want my life to count for something and make
a difference in this world for Christ. It reminds me alot about the prayer of Jabez...
A better life is calling are YOU ready to answer?
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