Thursday, November 05, 2009

It's a team effort...... join us on the journey!

Here's a picture of our 2009-2010 ministry team based out of Saskatoon, SK  which is a small representation of a much larger network of faith filled believers serving with the WJOF ministry. This picture though includes our board of directors,  leadership team and the SK conference team members. We also have a conference team in Calgary for our event there on November 14th at the Telus Centre we will join shortly!

 There are over 200 men and women involved with WJOF this year as we share the journey with others we encounter at events and online connections. Through our 10th anniversary choir joining us from ELIM Tabernacle, worship team, faith stories team, dance team, prayer partners, our advisory team, church reps and general event volunteers, we wouldn't be able to do what we do without this amazing support. It's a team effort spanning numerous denominational backgrounds as we come together for a common purpose to live by faith, walk in love and affirm the call.

We are a non- profit charitable organization ran primarily through volunteer support and we are thankful for 10 years of ministry thus far. Join us on the journey are we discern the next 10 years and seek out ways to walk in the direction of our vision statement:

The restoration of women through gathering.....nurturing.....discovering...sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ!

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