Monday, November 28, 2005

Anticipation of Purpose

"For God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God and
are called according to His purpose for them." Romans 8:28

We can't change the past, BUT we can allow the Lord to redeem our past
as we give those areas of our lives over to HIM. God has done that with me, and I
have realized that the Lord has a purpose and a plan for me EACH step of the way
on my journey. I have seen the faithfulness of God time and time again, it SHOULD
cause me to live a life of faith filled anticpation of what the Lord is going to accomplish

What would our lives look like if we woke up EACH DAY with a heart full of
ANTICIPATION.Anticipating that our lives have a PURPOSE, and that God would
surprise us and speak to us, brings spontaneous childlike JOY! That is the God I serve
who sent His son to die on the cross for MY SINS, to redeem me and use my life for His

We all know too well the feeling of anticpation we had as kids waiting for that "Magical
Night" where we were anticipating the presents under the tree were what we had hoped
for. The excitment, the laughter, the JOY of receiving the gifts. THAT is the childlike
anticipation analogy that I believe the Lord asks of His children to have EACH day as
we walk out our faith journey. Anticipating the Lord to speak to us in HIS Word, through
prayer, through people, as we gaze upon His creation. THEN anticpating that God has a
purpose in mind when He speaks to us as we are challenged to step out in faith.

Anticpate that the Lord WILL speak to you today...
-The question is though, are you willing to listen?
-Are you willing to receive and obey?

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