Saturday November 5th, 2005 will be forever imprinted on my heart.
Over 1100 women gathering together from all across our province (and
beyond!) to grow deeper in their understanding of PURPOSE!
At the end of the day, my 8 yr old daughter Justine sang the SK theme song
"WE ARE MANY"- (with a cute little ole' froggy in her throat!)
and all the women joined in on the chorus to help recognize
the province's 100 year anniversary.
The lyrics to the chorus goes like this:
"We are many, and we are one- lift your voice and sing Saskatchewan.
We are many and we are one- cause we love this place, Saskatchwan!"
It reminded me of some of the last recorded words of Christ Jesus as he prays to
God in John 17: 20-23 asking that .."My prayer for all of them is that they
they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father- that just as you are in
me, and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you
sent me."
A true test of our faith is to be faithful to the words of our Lord in this passage
and to continue to seek UNITY in the body of Christ in our Journey of Faith.
Our city, our province, our country is crying out for a healthy church filled
with TRUTH and LOVE. It starts with our witness and I challenge each believer
in Christ to seek first the Kingdom of God- Putting HIS TRUE purpose of unity
and love forefront on our agenda. The future generations will be blessed if
we are seeking TRUE UNITY along the journey.
May the next 100 years be a blessing as "the church" seeks ways
to live out our TRUE PURPOSE in SK!
It is easy to get sidetracked to thinking that "I will fulfill my purpose when (I retire, move to Alberta, when the kids are grown up...)" Living FULLY for God today, right where I am at is the KEY to fulfilling my purpose in my family, my community, and this province. Let's remember all that is beautiful and precious here in SK...
Hi Jodi
I just wanted to Thank-you for putting on WJOF! I really didn't know what to expect when I went to it. I was in awe seeing so many women together in SK. My heart was truly moved and my family is benifiting from the redemption I recieved over Saturday. I am thrilled about the speakers and all that I learnt. I'm praying that I may be used by God to my full potential! I can't say enough what an impact this has made on my life.
Looking forward to the Women of Journey of Faith Conference Nov,2006.In Saskatoon Sk.
It is a wonderful time for women of all ages to come together under one roof and sing praises to God.
Here the message and lunch together.
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