Saturday, July 18, 2009

Areas to serve with WJOF.... ministry needs for volunteers!

With our growing ministry, we are feeling the pull to expand our team ASAP. So begins the shoulder tapping and open promotion of our call and requirements for more assistance to help this organization be all it can be.
Are you looking for ways to serve with the WJOF ministry? IF you live in or close to Saskatchwan or Alberta and are interested in being a church rep, email us and we can share what that involves and how you can get plugged in with us right where you live!

The following are positions that need to be filled for the ministry. (They are all volunteer positions except the admin role is a contract position.)
Overall ministry:
Admistrative Assistant By Sept 30th 
Sponsorship coordinator for the WJOF leadership team

o SK Conference Coordinator 
o SK Sponsorship leader for the conference team
o SK Church Rep leader for the conference team
o SK Marketing leader for conference team
o SK Follow up leader for the conference team 

o AB Logistics leader for conference team 
o AB Church Reps leader for conference team 
o AB Sponsorship leader for conference team
o AB Follow up leader for the conference team 

if you are interested in learning more- don't hesitate to email us at or 
We can send you out a description of what the role(s) would entail and go from there.
Thanks for considering serving with us at Women's Journey of Faith!

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