"But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. " Matthew 6:48
Whoa, when I read that verse, the ugly roots of perfectionism tendencies arise- yet I know deeply in my humanity...I am bound to fail. The dictionary definition of flawless is: "without a flaw; a flawless gemstone, being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish." ....When a diamond is being judged on a quality level, the one doing the judging usually follows the 4 C's table. The 4 C's are cut, color, clarity and carat. Thankfully,God does not judge on the outside, but what is going on within us- He looks to our hearts.
Don't you long to be "flawless"? With all my wayward ways and rough edges, in comparison to Jesus, I have a long road to travel on my journey of faith. I want to be all I could be, but need all the grace in God's kingdom to hold me up. In studying the Bible- we are reminded that our english language is quite limited -so we can be super thankful for those who study the original language of the Bible, (greek & hebrew) as it expands on the original text to mean so much more...In Matt 5:48 the Greek word (teleioi) in this context does not mean “flawless” or “spotless”, but rather “complete.” Being complete does not mean being perfect and without sin, but we are to strive to possess the fruits of the spirit as mentioned in Galations 5 to the full.
God’s Word “judges” us- Unlike the world as likened to a jewler who constantly is viewing gems for flaws and rates them accordingly, we don't have to live by the worlds standard of perfection. Christ Jesus is the only perfect “judge” and as we live in faith and abiding “In Christ”, we are accepted, secure, significant and loved. (His "4 "C's"....smile!)
Here is that same verse in the Amplified Bible which expands in parenthesis the meaning of some words that need clarification. (Love that version!)
Matthew 5:48 (Amplified Bible)
"You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete (maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect."
This note is for all those sisters who struggle with perfectionism on some level. A personal plea to confess this as sin and repent as Christ is the only one who is perfect- Grace covers us all as we seek to have complete dependence on the one who is flawless. Relax, rest, renew.... As summer teaches us, everything is made beautiful in it's time...! Be "rooted" in Him.
“As for God, his ways are perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless:”
Psalm 18:30
(Theme verse for Flawless conference coming up this fall. Check out our website for more details and how to register for our Calgary or Saskatoon event)
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