"It was only a week ago that I had taken this photo on the top of Mount of Olives in Israel and today on Palm Sunday, it becomes so meaningful and powerful to me! (Almost 2 thousands years ago in this very same place)...It was just after Jesus had been in Jericho where he healed a blind man, he had visited Zacchaeus, and he told the parable of the ten talents - reminding us to use our gifts well....then 'going up to Jerusalem. As he approached Bethany, at the place called Mount of Olives...', he sent two disciples ahead of him to find a young donkey tied there. Jesus got onto the donkey and the people spread their robes and palm branches in front of him. They began to 'praise God joyfully with a loud voice' ...'The King who comes in the name of the Lord is the blessed one. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven. Hosanna, Hosanna.' (Luke 18:35-19:48 HCSB)
It was here right after this moment that Jesus wept over the City of Jerusalem because they did not get it, they didn't recognize him for who he was ...'if you knew this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes.....' The Pharisees and Scribes wanted Jesus to quiet the disciples and were angry when so many people were rejoicing and singing/praising. Jesus said no and if he did tell them to be quiet then 'these rocks would cry out!' Oh I pray we won't be blinded and that we may recognize HIM today!"
Regardless if you are a part of a church community that recognizes "Palm Sunday" or not, we can all embrace it's meaning no matter where you are at on the journey. Grab a palm leaf (if you're blessed to get your hands on one!), a flag, a scarf, or simply raise your voice with hands lifted high to praise Him for who He is. With the Easter season just around the corner, we can celebrate Jesus all across the nations through our own shouts of joy!
To view photos and read about the recent WJOF Israel tour, visit our blog! http://wjofisraeltour.blogspot.ca/
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