Wednesday, July 02, 2014

"It’s Not About Ewe..."

When my husband and I first started dating, he liked to buy me little gifts here and there to surprise me with. On one of his bible school trips he ended up shopping around with some class mates, one who is my good friend; and so, naturally, he asked her what she thought I would like for a little gift. She gave him the idea of a cute, little, stuffed sheep, thinking that any girl would like a little stuffed animal, and really, it’s the thought that counted most. Well, this started a trend for the next while....

The next time Ryan went out of town he came home with a little stuffed sheep in a basket, and then at Easter when the big fluffy sheep are on display everywhere, I was given one of them. The gift that had me most curious was when he came home with an envelope of pictures that he had printed off for me...Can you guess what the pictures were of? Yup! You got it, sheep, mommy sheep, babies and mommy sheep, baby sheep drinking from bottles, baby sheep with their little friends....Sheep, sheep SHEEP! I finally said, “Ok, so these are super cute, but I’m not really understanding why you keep giving me all these sheep gifts...I mean, its really sweet, but why sheep?”

Completely straight faced, and in a tone of confusion he replied, “You.   Don’t.    Like.   Sheep?”

Me, “Well, they are cute, but I don’t really collect them or have a fetish for them...”

Embarrassed, he reached out his hand and said, “Can I have the envelope...”

Me, “No, no, its ok! I will keep it...I mean, it’s still really sweet of you!”

“Just hand over the envelope...”

I slowly pass the envelope while bursting out laughing at the whole situation. He’s wasn’t finding it as funny as me at this point, I’m not sure why ;) haha!

...Ok, Ok, I know that sounds rude to laugh, but what would you have done? Poor guy was only giving me what he thought I really liked right?

Sometimes I feel like this happens with God in our worship. No, we don’t bring him sheep, but what do we bring Him? Is it what He REALLY likes or is it what we THINK He likes?

James 4:8a “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you...”

Matt 6:33(HCSB) But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you...”

God loves to be pursued, he knows what best for us. When we seek Him and He comes closer, then everything else is taken care of. When we draw close to Him in worship and focus on Him and what He likes, things happen.

God has asked us to draw near to Him, to seek Him, but sometimes we bring him “sheep” thinking that’s what he wants.

“Sheep” can be so many things. Our complaints, criticisms, hurts, or maybe past issues that dictate our responses to Him today. Sometimes we just don’t feel like pursuing Him...let’s be real...our flesh can be pretty weak sometimes!

Look at these things I‘ve mentioned...they all focus on “me” -the way I feel and think, yet God says, “Come to me and I will give you rest (Matt11:28)..Put on the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Is 61:3)...Seek Me and live (Amos 5:4)!!!”

All throughout the Psalms we read of Davids ups and downs, and one of the things I love about David is that no matter how low he feels, He always comes to God with worship and honor on His lips. Nothing else dictates his worship to His God. He follows God’s command to,  “ the Lord your God with all your [mind and] heart and with your entire being and with all your might.” (Deut 6:5)

I think we can all agree that David knew what God liked. I think we think we know what God likes, but do we really?

Instead of coming to God with “sheep” thinking that’s what He likes, why don’t we look at the Word of God and begin to let that dictate our worship. To truly flourish in God’s Kingdom we need to understand that worship is more than just pretty songs. It’s clothing our King in honor and praise because THAT’s what He likes and deserves. As we pour that out on Him, He begins to pour out on us so that we may blossom and radiate the beauty of our Maker.

Jamie Snider is the lead worship pastor at Faith Alive Family Church. With much experience behind her name and a few albums under her belt, she speaks without fear yet with a clear focus. She has written and performed songs with Faith Alive Band and travelled across Canada and into the U.S. bringing change to the Christian music scene. She is passionate about restoring a heart of worship in the people of God and seeing a revival of an honour culture in our generation. She resides in Saskatoon, Sk with her husband and two children. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautifully said. I so often see worship leaders/ bands out there who loose their focus and desire the accolades the world gives rather than being solely sold out and focusing on the One worthy of praise! I pray you and your band are able to withstand the pressure to be 'popular', and to please people's whims just to sell CD's and that you can maintain a pure devotion to God through your worship leading. Bless you Jamie!