Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jesus...He's Alive!

"Death has lost and love has won... I am His because He is Alive." 

     What honour it was for Mary Magdalene to be the first to see Jesus resurrected from the dead! Although she experienced great healing with his miraculous touch and love displayed towards her before he went to the cross, I am sure her heart exploded with joy when she seen first hand that he was Alive! 

 This Easter season, we are presented with the decision to affirm/confirm what is our personal response is to the cross. Is it one of gratitude where we too will run into the arms of Christ or do we lack the personal encounter with him who is:
  • "Emmanuel, the promised King the baby who made angels sing
  • Son of Man who walked with us, healing, breathing in our dust
  • The author of all history, the answer to all mysteries
  • The Lamb of God who rolled away, the stone in front of every grave!"
     Natalie Grant sings this so beautifully in the video above... She proclaims these promises and truths with passion by using her gifts to honour God and leads people to Jesus who is truly "the same yesterday, today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8) If we know Him personally as well, it is our call to do the same using whatever gifts, talents or abilities that we have been given.  Not for our glory, but for HIS.  

     If you haven't experienced the hope of Christ and the confident assurance that you are forgiven and set free to be who God created you to be, don't wait any longer. Pray, reach out, search for truth and trust in the One who will restore you as Mary was. We become spiritually "Alive" because of Jesus Christ at work in our lives... Women's Journey of Faith is committing to pray for restoration of all! Would you join us?  If you need someone to talk to, connect with us online. A mentor is ready to come alongside you and discuss your concerns in a safe place.

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