Sunday, January 05, 2014

Why Don't We Stick with New Year's Resolutions? By Dr. Caroline Leaf

Dr. Caroline Leaf will be our keynote speaker for our 15th annual conference "Flourish" on November 7-8 2014 in Saskatoon, SK Canada. Tickets will go on sale this spring for that event after our Sharing the Journey seminar on April 5th! With permission, we've reposted Dr. Leaf's blog along with an exciting announcement of an upcoming TV series!
It’s amazing how everyone is so full of advice at this time of the year – in fact everywhere you look you will find advice – some good, some not so good - on how to get rid of that excess weight gathered over the holiday season; how to get the best body; the best exercise workout for the new year; great devotionals for getting our spiritual life off to a good start.
Despite this plethora of wisdom, very few people really stick to these new years resolutions. In fact few people make lasting changes in their lives despite the desire and sometimes-desperate intent to do so.
It all begins in your mind: your thinking, your emotions and your choices. If your mind isn’t right, then you will not stick with anything, no matter how great. Your mind is the most powerful thing in the Universe – after God of course. It is with your mind that you choose to develop your spiritual walk and relationship with God and it is with your mind you choose to stick with that diet and exercise regimen.
We have been created with a love, power and sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7) and God made us virtuous, but we choose to go down our own pathway (Ecclesiastes 7:29). So we are powerful enough to choose right and stick with it. This is actually our default mode. We need to train and discipline our minds in order to develop our spirit and have healthy bodies.
To this end, we need to renew our minds (Romans 12:2). This is one of the main reasons I developed my 21- day brain detox to help us renew our minds and turn news year’s resolutions into lifelong resolutions. 
Join thousands who have taken up the challenge of the 21-day brain detox and who are changing their worlds and impacting the worlds of those around them. And if you are already doing the 21-day brain detox, send us feedback so we can encourage each other, and I mean each other – I am always doing a 21-day brain detox!
Happy New Year and happy mind detoxing!
Love Dr Caroline 

Flourish Pre-Conference Announcement: 
Dr. Caroline Leaf is coming to your home! (as she is featured in a new mini series "SWITCH ON YOUR BRAIN")

The new 13-episode TV series 'Switch on Your Brain' will be airing on the TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network - USA) on Tuesday's at 9.30am (PST) 11.30am (CT), 12.30pm (EST) in the 'Doctor to Doctor' slot. The series starts 7th January 2014.

This 30-minute 'documentary' series covers much of Dr Caroline Leaf's research and teachings on overcoming and eliminating Toxic Thoughts as the Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking and Health. We encourage you to watch the series and tell all your friends, family, and anyone wishing to change negative thinking patterns once and for all. (plus a great way to get to know her before she graces the WJOF stage:)


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Excited to hear this announcement! Will be watching the show and plan to attend the Flourish Conference. Thanks so much!