Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Wisdom in the Wait"- by guest blogger Donna Mitchell

   Sharing God's Wisdom for the journey!  We'd like to introduce you to Donna Mitchell, one of WJOF's recommended speakers!  Love what she writes this week on needing "Wisdom in the Wait"...

     Today, we live in a fast paced society that is losing patience with any prospect of waiting.  This phenomenon began with the McDonald’s drive-through and our expectation of receiving our meal in less than three minutes.  Subsequently, we demanded increasingly fast Internet, and now, our emails are not traveling fast enough – we utilize instant messaging!

     The Lord does not conform to society’s expectations or demands.  He works in profound and mysterious ways and often, He uses time to accomplish His purposes – He is the Sovereign One.  It took time for me to walk into freedom and healing as the Lord set me free from the fears that threatened to keep me in bondage. Along the way, He taught me lessons that I would not have discovered, and my faith would not have been strengthened and developed if I received instant healing.

     In the midst of our life circumstances, the Lord works on multiple plots simultaneously:  restoring relationships, repairing damage, prompting repentance, and relinquishing strongholds.  He is patient with us, even when we resist His promptings and insist on holding on to the issues He is asking us to release.  His patience is profound.

     It is no coincidence that following James 1:2-4, the author prompts us to ask for wisdom in James 1:5…

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you.  He will not rebuke you for asking.  But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.  Do not waver…

     If the Lord requires you to wait – thank Him – in the midst of delay, the Lord provides many profound gifts and necessary lessons to those who are willing to wait for Him.

Donna serves as the National Director for Connecting Streams’ Ministry, a ministry division of Power to Change. She encourages believers to rediscover a relevant, thriving faith that authentically and completely reflects Jesus; as a result, restoring believers and those discovering faith in Jesus to the abundant life that God intended (Isaiah 58). As a national ministry leader, Donna eloquently expresses her passion as a compelling influential speaker at regional and national conferences, outreach events, church retreats and leadership workshops to encourage, empower, and equip believers to step out from behind church walls to reach out to a hurting world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


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