Monday, October 13, 2014

Restoration's Journey: Detox Your Mind and Flourish!

Did you know that 87% to 95% of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life? What we think about affects us spiritually, physically and emotionally. It’s an epidemic of toxic emotions, and our thought life, we create the conditions for illness; we make ourselves sick!  (mind/body/spirit)...

 Our vision here at WJOF  is "The Restoration of Women". That vision is so incredibly broad and overarching, we are on our own unique journey as a ministry to publish that vision in steps along the way! The first step was articulating the vision by naming restoration principles. (click here to view). Our entire board and team signed off on it, our speakers, advisors and keen supporters of WJOF also ascribe to the vision. The challenge is walking it out. We believe wholeheartedly that Jesus Christ came to give us life to the full and to restore all that was lost in the fall of mankind.  Acknowledging where we should be as women of faith and where we are currently involves a healthy dose of reality mixed with incredible grace and a whole lot of love and patience thrown in. One of the keys we have found is our call and ability to control our thought life according to the Word of God and to live by faith and not by fear. How timely for WJOF to host Dr. Caroline Leaf as our keynote speaker for our upcoming conference: Flourish on November 7-8th 2014 at TCU Place Convention centre. (Click here for more information about the conference and how to register!) She is the expert and truly a forerunner in helping millions across the nations through her writing and speaking of the importance of detoxing our minds so that we can flourish!
 Research shows that fear, all on its own, triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses and activates more than 30 different hormones. There are INTELLECTUAL and MEDICAL reasons to FORGIVE! Toxic waste generated by toxic thoughts causes the following illnesses: diabetes, cancer, asthma, skin problems and allergies to name just a few. She urges everyone to learn how to consciously control our thought life and to start to detox your brain! Consciously controlling your thought life is one of the best ways, if not the best way of detoxing your brain. It allows you to get rid of those toxic thoughts and emotions that can consume and control your mind. Controlling your thought life means not letting thoughts rampage through your mind. It means learning to engage interactively with every single thought that you have, and to analyze it before you decide either to accept or reject it.
The average person has over 30,000 thoughts a day. Medical research increasingly points to the fact that thinking and change in your thinking is essential to detoxing the brain.  
2 Corinthians 10:5 "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

Looking forward to hosting Dr. Caroline Leaf at our upcoming "Flourish" conference on November 7-8th 2014 at TCU Place Convention Centre for our 15th annual conference. With over 1300 women registered thus far and 3 weeks away, we are looking forward to a packed audience ready for life changing teaching!

*Content in this blog taken from various articles on Dr. Leaf's personal website 

Jodi Kozan is the Founder and President of Women's Journey of Faith. The ministry was founded in 1999 with a passion to see women restored in their faith and to share the gospel of Jesus with boldness with promoting unity in the body of Christ. She is married to Tim with 4 daughters and resides in Saskatoon, SK Canada. WJOF is a non-profit, non-denominational ministry for all women. To learn more about WJOF, their upcoming conference "Flourish" and other aspects of the organization, visit them online at  Besides hosting conferences, seminars and tours, they are passionate about resourcing women and churches to support them on the journey to restoration! Stay tuned for more exciting adventures as they launch a Publishing Contest this fall, WJOF Coaching and other exciting avenues to engage with them in the year ahead. After 15 years of ministry, in many ways Jodi feels they are just beginning as the vision becomes increasingly clear:)

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