February is known as the "Love Month", but if we focus solely on romantic love,
we are missing the depths of what love truly is.
John 3:16 = God's "Valentine" for mankind is Jesus Christ.
Our heavenly Father, the Creator of the world who's character is simply pure love, demonstrated true sacrificial love when He gave us His Son, Jesus, to save us from living a life of sin, the pain and sting of other's sins against us, and to give us eternal life. Incredible!
I had the honour to make a second pilgrimage to the Holy Land last month with our partner in ministry, "Christian Journeys" along with our tour coordinator Lisa Braun and other leaders/ pastors across Canada and the USA. I had seen and heard with my own eyes the prophetic destiny as I walked in the footsteps of Jesus, my personal Saviour and Redeemer of the world! Although the tension is very real as different religions try to put a stake in land with their interpretation of truth, it is profound to see Scripture unravel the Bible's promises through the miracle of Israel. Jesus has come and He will come again! Being at the Western Wall, Mount of Olives, Mount of the Beatitudes, Sea of Galilee, the Upper Room, the Garden Tomb and so much more is life changing. My heart leaps out of my chest when I think about the fact that the same spirit who raised Jesus from the dead is alive and well in me and in all those who believe in Him across the nations! Without His love to permeate our being, our finite human experiences and attempts at giving and receiving love is simply futile.
Desperate for Eternal love.
Whether or not you have or are able to make a pilgrimage to Israel, as believers in Jesus, eternity is set into our hearts in the here and now to shape us into the women we were created to be! God's love poured down through Jesus into our hearts so that we could inadvertently love others super-naturally as God has loved us. Radical love, pure love, amazing love that surpasses any human attempts to conjure up in our own accord... Jesus makes it possible to be filled with God's love over and over again to fill us up to overflowing. Not just for our own well being, but so that we may splash that love over others to impact their journey with His love too! Eternal love beckons us to share the journey my friends...
"We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19)

On behalf of the entire ministry team here at Women's Journey of Faith, Happy Valentines Day!
With love, Jodi Kozan President & Founder
Upcoming Events:
- Israel Tour March 1-19 www.wjof.com/tours with Lisa.
- "Designed to Flourish Online Coaching with Maureen on Thursday nights in March. (Registration and fee required for the 4 one hour group sessions. Register by visiting us online and filling out the form click here for details! and space is limited)
- "Faith Stories" session Monday, March 30th* 7-8pm with Joyelle.
- WJOF Volunteer information night, Monday March 30th* 8-9pm
- "For His Honour" session Tuesday April 14th* 7pm with Barb.
- "Sharing the Journey" seminar Saturday May 2nd 9-5pm hosted at Elim Church in Saskatoon, SK with keynote speaker Melinda Estrabrooks along with the WJOF Speaker team! (with an optional leaders/ speakers intensive seminar on Friday May 1st ) click here to register.
- "Restore" Conference @ TCU Place November 6-7 (tickets available in May)
*The Faith Stories, Volunteer night and Honour sessions are held at the new WJOF office in the "Africa Room"!
PLUS: If you have a God Shaped Love Story to tell, we want to hear from you! Our WJOF Publishing Contest is featured on the Word Alive Press website as we partner with them this year- click here for details!
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