Only one week away until our 15th annual conference "Flourish" with keynote speaker Dr. Caroline Leaf! There is much excitement in the air with emails flying in asking tons of questions about the schedule, what to expect and prayer requests from near and far. God uses gifted speakers/ teachers like Dr. Leaf to impart wisdom and knowledge to embark on the "journey of restoration", our vision here at WJOF.
2 Peter is a book in the Bible where the apostle Peter wrote to the believers to encourage them to stay in the truth and not be swayed by deception. The Word of God transcends time, and what was applicable in the first century to those on the journey to restoration is applicable now in 2014. As Peter warned against false teachers and emphasized staying in the truth and knowledge of God, we too are given leaders, pastors and teachers of the Word like Dr. Leaf who has been given a gift to impart incredible truths today. In order for us to flourish, we can rely on the simple but profound truth that through a relationship with Jesus Christ, He gives us "... everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness." 2 Peter 1:3 NIV
WJOF's recommended study this year is "The Gift in You". Dr. Leaf writes: "No matter what you have been told, what tests you may have taken, or what you believe about yourself- you have a unique gift, different from anyone else's, to fulfill your purpose in this world."
-Dr. Caroline Leaf Author of "The Gift in You" and "Switch on Your Brain" among other best selling titles being featured at this year's Flourish Conference.
Visit her website and watch a 40 minute message on "The Gift in You". That outlines the 7 pillars of thought and she helps us to identify the unique gift in how we have been wired to deliver our gift(s) to serve a world in need.
You can purchase her book, workbook and DVD curriculum through her website. Although her study isn't focusing on spiritual gifts as outlined in scripture, she addresses the gift of how the mind is wired to function in our gifts.
(If you haven't taken personality/strengths tests like DISC, Myers Briggs or you haven't taken a spiritual gift test before, there are numerous resources out there to purchase or incredible classes to take. WJOF has a free pdf download on our website if you can take 15 minutes of your time to read and fill out the questions. If you haven't done so, we encourage you to Click Here to download and print off! Sharing the results with a trusted friend and pastor of a Bible believing church will help sharpen your call and focus for serving.)
If you have any questions about the study (or want to connect with a study group or a church in the Saskatoon area) feel free to contact us at WJOF by emailing as we'd love to encourage you on your journey of faith!
"Each of you should use whatever gift he (or she) has received to serve others, faithfully administrating God's grace in it's various forms" 1 Peter 4:10
WJOF and CCS are partnering to bring in Dr. Leaf to Saskatoon for two incredible events this year! Dr. Leaf will be speaking at the CCS event on Thursday November 6th at the Willows in Saskatoon, SK Canada. Visit CCS's website for details and registration. Women's Journey of Faith's 15th annual conference Flourish is on Friday November 7th from 7pm-9:30pm and continuing through Saturday November 8th from 9am-5pm with Dr. Caroline Leaf speaking 4 time's throughout the Flourish event along with music by Dustin Smith and the Faith Alive Band. Lorie Hartshorn (author of Finding Freedom), will be acting as Emcee for Flourish alongside the host of the conference Jodi Kozan, President and Founder of WJOF alongside her team. For more information and to register, visit WJOF's website!
2 Peter is a book in the Bible where the apostle Peter wrote to the believers to encourage them to stay in the truth and not be swayed by deception. The Word of God transcends time, and what was applicable in the first century to those on the journey to restoration is applicable now in 2014. As Peter warned against false teachers and emphasized staying in the truth and knowledge of God, we too are given leaders, pastors and teachers of the Word like Dr. Leaf who has been given a gift to impart incredible truths today. In order for us to flourish, we can rely on the simple but profound truth that through a relationship with Jesus Christ, He gives us "... everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness." 2 Peter 1:3 NIV
WJOF's recommended study this year is "The Gift in You". Dr. Leaf writes: "No matter what you have been told, what tests you may have taken, or what you believe about yourself- you have a unique gift, different from anyone else's, to fulfill your purpose in this world."
-Dr. Caroline Leaf Author of "The Gift in You" and "Switch on Your Brain" among other best selling titles being featured at this year's Flourish Conference.
Visit her website and watch a 40 minute message on "The Gift in You". That outlines the 7 pillars of thought and she helps us to identify the unique gift in how we have been wired to deliver our gift(s) to serve a world in need.
(If you haven't taken personality/strengths tests like DISC, Myers Briggs or you haven't taken a spiritual gift test before, there are numerous resources out there to purchase or incredible classes to take. WJOF has a free pdf download on our website if you can take 15 minutes of your time to read and fill out the questions. If you haven't done so, we encourage you to Click Here to download and print off! Sharing the results with a trusted friend and pastor of a Bible believing church will help sharpen your call and focus for serving.)
If you have any questions about the study (or want to connect with a study group or a church in the Saskatoon area) feel free to contact us at WJOF by emailing as we'd love to encourage you on your journey of faith!
"Each of you should use whatever gift he (or she) has received to serve others, faithfully administrating God's grace in it's various forms" 1 Peter 4:10
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