Thursday, November 13, 2014

Post Flourish Jodi Kozan

 Fifteen years of pressing into the vision that God has placed before us.

15 years have gone by since our first conference "Secret Longings of the Heart", and other beautiful themes have been birthed since: Heart of Joy, Hope, Marvellous Grace, Freedom, True Purpose, Empowered, Confidence, Love Without Limits,  Flawless, Unshakable Faith, Awaken, Alive, Wisdom and now Flourish... Each conference a little different, but underneath it all a golden thread of truth and grace is intricately woven into the tapestry of our ministry, Women's Journey of Faith! 

When I think about the woman who attends for the first time or the fifteenth, I am reminded why God prompted my heart to step out in faith to say "YES" back in 1999-2000 and raised up a team to hold the vision with me. Standing outside in the foyer of the convention centre at the end of our event on November 8th 2014, I continue to be overjoyed and overwhelmed by the site of mothers, daughters, grandmothers,... women of beautiful diversity: ethnicity, age, shape and call. WJOF non-denominational, we honour the work and mandate of the local church yet we are also thrilled to encourage, inspire and equip other women who are designed to flourish! I love our ministry name: Women's JOURNEY of Faith. It truly is just that. Meeting women where they are at on a faith adventure and journeying beside them as they walk, run or sprint to the throne room of truth and grace! Bring it on God, bring it on!

What each woman carries home is unique to them. Not everyone fills out a comment card. Not every sister in faith shares what is going on in her soul, her mind, her spirit. But for those who do share on paper, in person or by email, it warms my heart to no end as to why we do what we do.

Another act of faith for WJOF is trusting God with our attendees from when they drive home.  Some have healthy places to call "home" and attend vibrant, healthy churches and others do not...

  Praise God that we serve a personal God who meets each one of us personally, and as Dr Leaf taught in her sessions to live in the "Love zone" and not the "Fear zone", It is our prayer that each "designer babe" would listen to the Holy Spirit to guide her and that regardless of her home/ church situation, that she would be "Strong in the Lord and in His mighty power" and to have incredible spiritual discipline to "take our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ", as it is true that we "have not been given a spirit of fear but that of love, power and a sound mind."  

Awesome Scriptures to meditate on!

Dr. Leaf  may have left Saskatoon and the Flourish conference here, but her resources she has poured herself into are powerful and accessible on her website and her show "Switch on Your Brain" available on TBN to keep digging deeper into the knowledge and wisdom available to us through our minds. She taught us that we can be our own "Brain surgeon" with faith in God, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can flourish in all ways. Yes, I know we will have many emails, questions and concerns about the content. True, she teaches strong from God's ideal and in that stance there inevitably arises many "What if" questions. Again, we give those q's to God and trust that each woman will ask the touch questions, pray the dangerous prayers and worship God with freedom and abandon so that it is in the intimacy of her relationship with God as it is confirmed in Scripture, she can say "it is well with my soul".

  Our Flourish worship leader Dustin Smith and the Faith Alive band have incredible music to download along with youtube videos to immense oneself in worship. HIs message on Honour and Justice will be available on CD as well as Dr Leaf's 3 messages and the WJOF Speaker team panel with Caroline as well. It is exciting to me that the powerful truths will continue to minister beyond those 1700 women who attended our conference. It's a ripple effect to restore hearts and homes which in turn, impacts this world in dire need of restoration. 

Where am I at today? Grateful, at peace, content and wildly fascinated now by brain science and how that relates to the Word of God! Grateful for my family, the team at WJOF, prayer partners, speaker team and all who build into me and the ministry of WJOF so that we can flourish!  Blessed that I have been given this unique platform to share God's love, to promote unity among God's children, to emulate, share and proclaim restoration principles with such amazing women. I say bring on the next fifteen years of pressing into the vision that God has placed before us! Join us on the Journey!

With gratitude,
 Jodi Kozan
(WJOF President and Founder since 1999)

WJOF: The Restoration of Women through
 Gathering, Nurturing, Discovering, Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ! 

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