Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sharing the Journey Speaker: Sheri Deobald / Session: Revival Passion

Q.What do you think of when you hear the words "Love without Limits." – When I think of this phrase, I think of God’s unlimited love for us. His love for us is so passionate and unending we could never get close to having a full understanding of it. God showed us His love by sending His Son to the cross and enabling us to have the presence of God available to us now. We have heard much about His past love. However, I am overwhelmed to think of the love, mercy, grace, comfort, and help He wants to give us today. God’s love truly has no limits except the limits we place on Him when we, the children of God, don’t position ourselves to receive and treasure this remarkable gift.

Q. How will women grow "in love" in your session at Sharing the Journey:  The session, “Revival Passion” is going to focus on two things: Seeing God for who He really is and seeing ourselves for who really are. This is what “genuine” revival is. Believers have heard for generations about God’s love for us and we do need to have a greater understanding of this. But, what is our heart condition towards God? In other words, what spiritual state are we really in? True love towards God is a life of devotion to Him, His people, and building His kingdom. God’s love towards us isn’t half-hearted or lukewarm. Yet, we often offer up to God a Christian life with partial commitment and limited devotion. In this session, you will be challenged to love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. What’s standing in your way of “genuine revival” in your life?

Q. Other than your passion to speak, what do you like do do for fun? Other than speaking or teaching, my favorite thing to do is to come together with passionate believers and worship. Ok, I am not trying to be super spiritual. Honestly, there is nothing like worshipping in a corporate setting where everyone is wanting God’s presence, no one looking around or at their watches, but just bringing honor to Him. Wow! This is explosive! I am so blessed when I am with people that honor God and welcome His presence. Imagine how He must feel!
My second favorite thing isn’t quite as spiritual but oh, so wonderful. I love to travel to hot, sunny places and just enjoy tropical settings. There is nothing better than lying on the beach “Chillaxing!” Ok, what is that? Chilling out and relaxing. It’s a new slang word out there today and I have been waiting to try to it out. Next time you take a rest, remember, it sounds much cooler when you say it in slang.

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